Copyright 2025 - Windsor Cyclists

Joining Us

Windsor Cyclists welcomes new members.

Visitors can join as temporary members for a particular ride or event. There is no cost involved in being a temporary member. We do however ask you to sign a Temporary Membership Application form. This provides the ride leader with sufficent information about you to ensure that your ride with us is as pleasant and safe as it can be.

By signing this form you agree to the following conditions:

  • You remain with the group during the activity and follow the instructions of the ride leader
  • You advise the ride leader beforehand of any medical conditions, allergies, disabilities or past injuries that may affect your own safety or the safety of others on the ride
  • You maintain your own bike in good condition and carry with you a spare tube and a repair kit
  • You obey all normal road rules, including wearing a helmet You take with you sufficient water and food for the duration of the ride
  • You acknowledge that your participation in this activity may expose you to hazards and risks that could lead to injury or loss of or damage to personal property and by signing this form you agree to waive any claim for damages arising from this activity that you may have against the club, the leader or other participants.

It is always advisable to contact the club before deciding to ride with us for one of our regular rides either by phoning or texting Denis [0414 314 032] or Gary [0409 300 044], by using the Contact Form on this website or by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This will allow you to tell us a little about your riding skills and interests and what you are looking for in a group of people to ride with. We can in turn advise you on whether the ride planned for that particular day is the most suited to your own needs or whether you might be better coming on another day. There will also be occasions when rides are cancelled due to bad weather or personal illness. We certainly want your first ride with us to be a very positive one!

Once you have decided to join us on a more regular basis, then we will be delighted to welcome you as a permanent member. When your application is received and approved by our committee members, the cost of joining is a one off fee of $1 plus a recurring annual fee of $2. You will also need to sign a Waiver Form.

You can only participate in our rides and events on four occasions as a temporary member before signing up as a permanent member.

You can download an Application for Temporary Membership here.

You can download a copy of Windsor Cyclists Constitution here.

You can download an Application for Permanent Membership here.

You can download a copy of our Waiver Form here.